
Browser Tabbing

We strive to innovate web browsers and to create online spaces for information exploration and improving information retrieval.


Organized Browsing Experience

We harness the power of automated organization features to provide a more immersive web browsing experience.


Minimal Digital Life

We practice the aesthetics of emptiness, creating space and tranquility in users' daily lives by providing the essential information rather than overwhelming them with excessive data.

How many tabs do you have open in your browser?

How is it so easy to fill up our tab bar to the point where we can’t even see what windows we’ve opened? We encounter vast amounts of information every day while using the internet, and the sheer volume of that information can easily lead to cognitive fatigue and what is often called “tab hell.”

In an attempt to escape from this fatigue, you have probably tried various approaches, such as using productivity tools or setting aside time for digital detox.

However, these might not provide a fundamental solution. People continuously seek better productivity tools and engage in a cycle of distancing themselves from the digital world and then returning to it endlessly.

The Real Problem Lies in Browsing.

We sought to identify and address the root cause of the issue, and we realized that it all starts with the way we access the internet! What do we mean? Let's briefly compare the early days of the internet and the current web browsers.

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Do you notice that there hasn't been much change in web browsers over the past 30 years? It's because major browsers have dominated the market, resulting in a loss of innovation.

In the early days, web browsers served as simple tools for accessing information, and that was sufficient. However, today, the amount of information we consume on the internet is massive. The current browser features are tailored to the scale of the early internet, so it's no surprise that we often get lost while browsing the web.

Let's Improve the Way We Use the Internet

To address this issue, Mirror was born. It aims to create a 'browsing space' that can handle all of today's internet activities!

Just like arranging and storing numerous materials in a workspace or books on a bookshelf, you can create your own digital workspace and start organizing in the digital world. Mirror visualizes the plethora of online information you encounter, including your favorite sites and temporarily visited ones, making it easier to manage information. But that's not all; it also assists you throughout the entire process of finding, viewing, recording, and storing information, making information acquisition easier.

So, let's create your own workspace on Mirror and visit it whenever you need to immerse yourself. You'll experience magical changes in your digital life!

“**Our Age of Anxiety is, in great part, the result of trying to do today’s job with

yesterday’s tools and yesterday’s concepts”, (**Marchall McLuchan)